cronsync - just right
Web based time tracking and invoicing

Individual text for Table column headers for invoices and proposals

Column Headings for tables in invoices and proposals can be changed to your personal needs. So if, for example „Project“ or „Component“ does not fit for you, you can override them now. To change the texts you have two possibilities: You can add them in the cronsync preferences under the „System“ Tab in the box „Default…

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Custom Stopwatch

As of now one can set the time unit for the cronsync stopwatch. Per default, cronsync uses seconds and round them up or down. An example: I want to book time for a phone call with a customer. The call lasts two minutes but i want to book more time on it. So far I…

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Heartbleed Bug

We would like to give you quick update how cronsync was affected by this Bug. Since we have a short schedule for security updates cronsync was not affected when the Heartbleed Bug was publicly. For those who never heard about the Heartbleed Bug please read the following article: To check if a service is affected…

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ToDo’s in cronsync

There are often personal Todo’s, unrelated to projects or clients. Therefore we created a Todo List for you in cronsync. Under the new navigation item „Todo’s“ you can create Todolists, you can assign dates and priorities to the Todo’s itself and connect these dates with your google calendar. If one of your Todo’s has a…

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Costs and Time limits for components

To be better informed about the progress of a project component we inplemented Limit warnings for components. There you can set costs and time limits for each component individually. If a limit will be reached you and all the selected team members for that warning will be notified about that via email. For setting limits…

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Custom styles for tables in docx Invoice templates and pdfs

With the docx templates you can generate invoices automatically using placeholders. The invoice table for example gets rendered with the ${Table} placeholder. Fontsize and Fontcolor of the marker sets the fontstyle in the table. Now you can define the border size and color in the system settings and you can chose any background color and…

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As we have customers from all over the world dealing with international business partners and customers, we have now expanded the cronsync features by an incorporated currency converter.  So now cronsync supports the generation of multi-currency invoices. You can simply chose the currency in a drop-down menue and cronsync calculates the amount in the new…

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Dropbox Chooser and cronsync

Attach documents from your Dropbox with the new Dropbox Chooser to your cronsync tasks. After the integration of Google Drive into cronsync few weeks ago we became aware of the Dropbox Chooser and have integrated it as an alternative to Google Drive in our task management. The Dropbox Chooser can be easily integrated into the…

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cronsync works with Google Drive

Get the best out of Google Drive and cronsync and manage and share your document within your cronsync Team Members!

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create proposals from your projects and components in cronsync

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